Just 2 days after returning from our Pangkor trip, Ethan presented himself with an early new year's 'present'...... a scratch, bruises and several big bumps on his head (one on the forehead & two behind).
Ethan loves to reach for things that are high up on shelves and the like, and although we've warned him time and again about the dangers of doing so, it falls on deaf ears. He is after all only 3++. So, we are constantly watching out for him.
This time, we had just turned our attention away for a split second and it happened. He'd reached for something on the rack by stepping and placing his entire body's weight onto the last rung of the rack. Naturally, his additional body weight tipped the rack over.......right on top of his small frame.
A 1.5 inch scratch along his forearm
A big 'bungalow' on his forehead.
2 more behind which he won't let us touch at all.
A bruise on his back that looks like the ONE digit.
The 'culprit'
Because he had fallen backwards and 2 bumps were evident that he'd received knocks on the back portion of his head, we were concerned. He was shakened but other than that he looked pretty alert.....no drowsiness, vomiting....etc. But then again, that could happen later. So, to be safe, we took him to the doctor, had some x-rays done (no CT scan as that was way too costly) to ensure that no bones were broken. The doctor told us to observe him for the next 24 hours just in case he showed symptoms of hematoma.
It's been 24 hours and thank goodness, no such symptoms. He's his usual boisterous and active self. He's keeping away from the rack for now. Let's see how long before he forgets and starts his 'activities' again. Like I mentioned, he is after all only 3 going on 4. :)